@PCryptoEscobar @peqsereio @Jon_Arch_BTC @sajmathieu @rogerkver @ProjectZento Then they brag how u don’ have the trade they shilled u out of or into late when they dumped. Ya same thing they been doing since 2014 and rekt a ton of peeps back then too. Thats why we shun a light on their asses they can’t hide #AltcoinWinter 2 went just like #AltcoinWinter 1

@PCryptoEscobar @peqsereio @Jon_Arch_BTC @sajmathieu @rogerkver @ProjectZento Then they brag how u don’ have the trade they shilled u out of or into late when they dumped. Ya same thing they been doing since 2014 and rekt a ton of peeps back then too. Thats why we shun a light on their asses they can’t hide #AltcoinWinter 2 went just like #AltcoinWinter 1

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