@FomoFreddy @_O__w__l__ @DillEsq @DoktorDoss Graphed it on the Gun sales chart too https://t.co/MyBWp7MZa7. Look at the talking points was all fear mongering using racial back drop….Hes gonna take ur guns, lets take our country back, make America great “again”….all underlying tones of he’s something not like us..#Bias

@FomoFreddy @_O__w__l__ @DillEsq @DoktorDoss Graphed it on the Gun sales chart too https://t.co/MyBWp7MZa7. Look at the talking points was all fear mongering using racial back drop….Hes gonna take ur guns, lets take our country back, make America great “again”….all underlying tones of he’s something not like us..#Bias

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