@Freshoutoftissu @Lunar_Trader @nytimes @washingtonpost @maddow @Lawrence @andersoncooper @donlemon @cnnbrk @crypto_seer @GerberKawasaki @facebook @SatoshiLite Everyone worried bout #crypto regulations but none thinking bout social media regulation or any of that ….end of #netneutrality was the 1st step in this direction & now governments got what they needed from $FB 2 justify removing anonymity from social media & web #FbWinter https://t.co/rjnjKHlagm

@Freshoutoftissu @Lunar_Trader @nytimes @washingtonpost @maddow @Lawrence @andersoncooper @donlemon @cnnbrk @crypto_seer @GerberKawasaki @facebook @SatoshiLite Everyone worried bout #crypto regulations but none thinking bout social media regulation or any of that ….end of #netneutrality was the 1st step in this direction & now governments got what they needed from $FB 2 justify removing anonymity from social media & web #FbWinter https://t.co/rjnjKHlagm


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