@Freshoutoftissu @Lunar_Trader @nytimes @washingtonpost @maddow @Lawrence @andersoncooper @donlemon @cnnbrk @crypto_seer @GerberKawasaki This is gonna get a lot worse if Facebook finds itself under the microscope of 2 different nations who have a legitimate bone 2 pick. USA & UK gonna find more than they bargained 4, as the saying goes where there’s smoke there’s https://t.co/8ayqcxTKWU #Infowar #Psyop $FB

@Freshoutoftissu @Lunar_Trader @nytimes @washingtonpost @maddow @Lawrence @andersoncooper @donlemon @cnnbrk @crypto_seer @GerberKawasaki This is gonna get a lot worse if Facebook finds itself under the microscope of 2 different nations who have a legitimate bone 2 pick. USA & UK gonna find more than they bargained 4, as the saying goes where there’s smoke there’s https://t.co/8ayqcxTKWU

#Infowar #Psyop $FB

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