@Darw1nsaysDie @PrimitiveAI @picassoscammer1 @HODL2APOLLO @AceOfWallStreet @Noobgettinrich @DeadBounceCat @casacup @mintsauce1982 West Indian but based on white peeps shitting on obama & missing a 20 trillion dollar 8 yr bull market so figured type of bigots who have superiority complex over blacks & browns would never believe accuracy of TA & shit all over it & help me build brand…#surgical #nailedit

@Darw1nsaysDie @PrimitiveAI @picassoscammer1 @HODL2APOLLO @AceOfWallStreet @Noobgettinrich @DeadBounceCat @casacup @mintsauce1982 West Indian but based on white peeps shitting on obama & missing a 20 trillion dollar 8 yr bull market so figured type of bigots who have superiority complex over blacks & browns would never believe accuracy of TA & shit all over it & help me build brand…#surgical #nailedit

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