@dblmsey @OmitronColtrain @CryptoCardiB @crypjunkie @Snowripper1106 @miyurufernando @JDBossHogg @ThisIsNuse He’s also in my dm as he’s a #universeA trader with me a few years now so he’s actually more aware of what the OGs have been conspiring to do to try and silence my account while ripping off all my work. Ur both in my dm he was later to this thread is all & now aware 2 chill

@dblmsey @OmitronColtrain @CryptoCardiB @crypjunkie @Snowripper1106 @miyurufernando @JDBossHogg @ThisIsNuse He’s also in my dm as he’s a #universeA trader with me a few years now so he’s actually more aware of what the OGs have been conspiring to do to try and silence my account while ripping off all my work. Ur both in my dm he was later to this thread is all & now aware 2 chill

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