@Isles_Life @Snowripper1106 @DeaterBob @kp15460 Ever seen a country nuke another before?? U expecting that at any minute too? Nope cuz u realize things aren’t same as 100 years ago or 200 with muskets or even 60. If I use ur logic else where then do white peeps still want to enslave us cuz haven’t u seen history #bch

@Isles_Life @Snowripper1106 @DeaterBob @kp15460 Ever seen a country nuke another before?? U expecting that at any minute too? Nope cuz u realize things aren’t same as 100 years ago or 200 with muskets or even 60.

If I use ur logic else where then do white peeps still want to enslave us cuz haven’t u seen history #bch

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