@Lanna70115 @Yon_Hyaku_Niju @chocolatebodied @kindaoldtown @RealADuran @SpiderTrades @MickM924 @PoliticalJudo @wikileaks @RealAlexJones Not from America I’m the immigrant who’s taking ur job cuz ur too dumb to do it lol. I employ ur fellow Americans actually #Bitchpudding served hot & fresh daily

@Lanna70115 @Yon_Hyaku_Niju @chocolatebodied @kindaoldtown @RealADuran @SpiderTrades @MickM924 @PoliticalJudo @wikileaks @RealAlexJones Not from America I’m the immigrant who’s taking ur job cuz ur too dumb to do it lol. I employ ur fellow Americans actually #Bitchpudding served hot & fresh daily

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