@peqsereio @_O__w__l__ @Snowripper1106 @miyurufernando @JDBossHogg @dblmsey @wizkhalifa I mean dude they are like trying to choke my twitter out with it. The attacks are coordinated in some cases in their telegram rooms. It’s an actual effort to push me out of the market it’s been going on years no one speaks up it’s complicit #cryptobigotry new term

@peqsereio @_O__w__l__ @Snowripper1106 @miyurufernando @JDBossHogg @dblmsey @wizkhalifa I mean dude they are like trying to choke my twitter out with it. The attacks are coordinated in some cases in their telegram rooms. It’s an actual effort to push me out of the market it’s been going on years no one speaks up it’s complicit #cryptobigotry new term

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