@Snowripper1106 @peqsereio @PacmanOfCrypto @bellyfrog @crypto_monky @The_Cryptonator @OmitronColtrain @TweetJusty @TheNewBTCGuy It’s now racist white people steal things from minorities been going on hundreds of years this is just the first time u guys are seeing it from the inside out. It’s the institutional bigots the one who dismiss it & say I’m nit racist who make all of it work they are the majority

@Snowripper1106 @peqsereio @PacmanOfCrypto @bellyfrog @crypto_monky @The_Cryptonator @OmitronColtrain @TweetJusty @TheNewBTCGuy It’s now racist white people steal things from minorities been going on hundreds of years this is just the first time u guys are seeing it from the inside out. It’s the institutional bigots the one who dismiss it & say I’m nit racist who make all of it work they are the majority