@ISpyValue @CryptoCardiB @Snowripper1106 @DeadBounceCat @crypto_sim The fluoride smoothie stare OGs give u when they get #bch slapped with the truth of how f*cking dumb u had 2 be 2 keep saying Hodl from Btc 20k down to 6k #credibilityissues #Ltcwinter #myeyes https://t.co/rDU3C8WHOm

@ISpyValue @CryptoCardiB @Snowripper1106 @DeadBounceCat @crypto_sim The fluoride smoothie stare OGs give u when they get #bch slapped with the truth of how f*cking dumb u had 2 be 2 keep saying Hodl from Btc 20k down to 6k #credibilityissues #Ltcwinter #myeyes https://t.co/rDU3C8WHOm


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