@hristuan @rogerkver @Lunar_Trader @DeadBounceCat Not sure what ur measuring but if u took it when I tweeted this ur up in absolute returns on #BCH over #BTC by almost double….Again I called it at 10am in the morning so if u picked end of day ur late and would be why ur numbers appear to show something else…#TimingMatters https://t.co/W5sE99ZYVx

@hristuan @rogerkver @Lunar_Trader @DeadBounceCat Not sure what ur measuring but if u took it when I tweeted this ur up in absolute returns on #BCH over #BTC by almost double….Again I called it at 10am in the morning so if u picked end of day ur late and would be why ur numbers appear to show something else…#TimingMatters https://t.co/W5sE99ZYVx


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