@toddbyrne @Frances_Coppola @CuerpoMuerte Don’t like being called names u ugly #bch don’t start . U got called on ur bs today & doubling down on it only shows ur no professional just some old bat seeking relevance and epically failing at it. Don’t act like a bch show some respect & u won’t get told ur one Bch https://t.co/G4r56ZnGLL

@toddbyrne @Frances_Coppola @CuerpoMuerte Don’t like being called names u ugly #bch don’t start . U got called on ur bs today & doubling down on it only shows ur no professional just some old bat seeking relevance and epically failing at it. Don’t act like a bch show some respect & u won’t get told ur one Bch https://t.co/G4r56ZnGLL


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