@casacup @OmitronColtrain @Lunar_Trader @wivbox @BI_Defense the Chinese lead world prediction original date was actually before the formal introduction of #crypto Ta in 2013 #Timestamped https://t.co/EfBX6jA6e5 make no mistake #SpaceCash #AstreroidMining #WesternSpring #WW3 are all coming as all info is already on the charts

@casacup @OmitronColtrain @Lunar_Trader @wivbox @BI_Defense the Chinese lead world prediction original date was actually before the formal introduction of #crypto Ta in 2013 #Timestamped https://t.co/EfBX6jA6e5 make no mistake #SpaceCash #AstreroidMining #WesternSpring #WW3 are all coming as all info is already on the charts

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