@peqsereio @GetLostSauce @TweetJusty @OmitronColtrain @Snowripper1106 @TheNewBTCGuy Racism requires power something blacks & minorities do not have in the western lead world. We don’t know a world where anyone else leads it so he’s speaking to that reality not the passed & what it may have been like but what it is right in our face today right in #crypto twitter

@peqsereio @GetLostSauce @TweetJusty @OmitronColtrain @Snowripper1106 @TheNewBTCGuy Racism requires power something blacks & minorities do not have in the western lead world. We don’t know a world where anyone else leads it so he’s speaking to that reality not the passed & what it may have been like but what it is right in our face today right in #crypto twitter

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