@IchigoBleach10x @Snowripper1106 @Lanna70115 @chocolatebodied @kindaoldtown @RealADuran @SpiderTrades @MickM924 @PoliticalJudo @wikileaks @RealAlexJones That’s what supports trump racist douche bags with dog shit education that’s why entire planet is making fun of them. They are the only ones too dumb to get the joke https://t.co/iyBqfFgBSp

@IchigoBleach10x @Snowripper1106 @Lanna70115 @chocolatebodied @kindaoldtown @RealADuran @SpiderTrades @MickM924 @PoliticalJudo @wikileaks @RealAlexJones That’s what supports trump racist douche bags with dog shit education that’s why entire planet is making fun of them. They are the only ones too dumb to get the joke https://t.co/iyBqfFgBSp
