@Lanna70115 @IchigoBleach10x @Snowripper1106 @chocolatebodied @kindaoldtown @RealADuran @SpiderTrades @MickM924 @PoliticalJudo @wikileaks @RealAlexJones Tough luck we are smarter than u and make u guys jobs. Maybe if u weren’t a moron u could handle that. In the mean time u keep yelling mean shit from the sidelines while guys like me run ur nation 4 u. #Truth hurts I know suck it up buttercup

@Lanna70115 @IchigoBleach10x @Snowripper1106 @chocolatebodied @kindaoldtown @RealADuran @SpiderTrades @MickM924 @PoliticalJudo @wikileaks @RealAlexJones Tough luck we are smarter than u and make u guys jobs. Maybe if u weren’t a moron u could handle that. In the mean time u keep yelling mean shit from the sidelines while guys like me run ur nation 4 u. #Truth hurts I know suck it up buttercup

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