@crypto_monopoly @Snowripper1106 @miyurufernando @JDBossHogg @dblmsey @wizkhalifa Like 2 study dumbmoney they r price. It’s how U read markets by watching same things over & over. Funny cuz they know I’m accurate but they are sure I’m wrong about this one particularly thing on human behavior which is my specialty lol the #truth hurts but learn a lot from them

@crypto_monopoly @Snowripper1106 @miyurufernando @JDBossHogg @dblmsey @wizkhalifa Like 2 study dumbmoney they r price. It’s how U read markets by watching same things over & over. Funny cuz they know I’m accurate but they are sure I’m wrong about this one particularly thing on human behavior which is my specialty lol the #truth hurts but learn a lot from them

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